Will we in the future look at media consumption and purchasing behavior in terms of before and after the Corona crisis? Undoubtedly, the pandemic limits our economy and our freedom, but also our view and management of the media.
Some hard measures provide insight into what is happening right now. RAM has about 4,000 measurements, in daily newspapers, of Swedish articles and advertisements during 2019 and 2020 – that is over 1,200,000 interviews. The aggregated data set provides some interesting trends and investigations:
- Newspaper readers read their newspapers both longer and more accurately today than in 2019. The accuracy of newspaper reading has increased by 10%. Of course, Corona plays a crucial role in this behavior change.
- Article reading has increased by 10%. The value and interest in accessing the editorial material of the newspapers are constantly increasing during the crisis and there is no evidence that this would diminish.
- In addition, the paper is perceived as more “important” than before. The content is perceived as relevant and important – the increase is significant, 15%.
- The newspapers’ opinion-forming role has been strengthened – discussions and conversations about the newspaper’s content have increased by about 20% in 2020. The pandemic is both worrying and engaging.
- Ad observation has also improved slightly, only by some %, but the change is significant.
Will developments in the remainder of April and in May further change these figures?
We continuously monitor developments in several media with great interest.
Staffan Hultén – CEO RAM

Coronavirus or Flu virus isolated – Microbiology And Virology Concept