RAM launches High Attention Recall for all types of media with in-depth knowledge of the ad’s effect

RAM, one of the world’s leading media research companies with the world’s largest reference database in communications, is now launching a new, important Attention metric for all its advertising impact measurements, regardless of media channel. This key performance measure (KPI) will provide advertisers with valuable insights into which individuals have High Attention and how they…


RAM + Datatile = True!

RAM are pleased to announce that we are working with DataTile as a delivery platform for loading and visualising the RAM reference data of almost 5,000 case studies from over 1.1 million interviews. As part of this collaboration, RAM and DataTile have designed an interactive dashboard, crosstab and charting data set.


RAM Insight #2 2021

  Can you believe that Spring is almost over and we are now looking forward to a much-needed summer. Here at RAM, we continue to develop our system, and we have just released the latest system update, details which can be found below. Highlights from this release includes improved export functionality, the development of our…


RAM Insight #1 2021

Covid-19 still has a grip on society and most of us have been working from home for a year now. However, we are seeing light at the end of the tunnel with the arrival of spring and the vaccination that is taking place. In this Insight newsletter, we will address new analysis opportunities but also…
